Saturday, October 1, 2022

photo 1 - Pinhole filters

 My abstract pinhole camera focuses on “natures filters”.

I took 2 approaches to this:

1) a kaleidoscope like pin-wheel of filters. Overall a blurring effect is achieved through this technique, since the light is obstructed so early on.

2) To avoid this blurring effect, I created filters that can be placed inside the camera to get clearer impressions of the natural subjects in the photographs. 

The camera itself. Wheel can be removed for a normal pinhole.

The filter wheel
Filters for inside camera.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

photo 1 - Cameron Gillie - pinhole


Cameron Gillie is a contemporary photographer who takes some incredible pinhole photographs. He has a ton of info on pinhole photography and photos on his blog (picture link).