Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Photo 1 - Assignment 3.1 - Contact sheets

For assignment 3 I ended up shooting 3 rolls of film, but only chose pictures from the last 2 rolls (last roll includes work for final assignment as well).

photo 1 - Assignment 3.2 - Full Frame Enlargements (redone)

 I redid my first attempt at these enlargements for even borders and depth of field (as opposed to focusing)

‘0’ exposure
-to get the detail in the wagon wood I had to use dodging for about 1/5 of the exposure time

deep depth of field

shallow depth of field

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

photo 1 - Photo of Photography


(taken by my dad without my knowledge from inside his car, using his phone)
-I think a photograph of someone taking a photo (atleast in this context) is a bit goofy, but still fun.