Monday, October 31, 2022

photo 1 - TIME - The Vanishing Art of the Family Photo Album


Installation view of Album Beauty at Les Rencontres d’Arles, 2013

    I have an interest in vintage photographs, especially ones that (atleast feel) candid. This is a really interesting article by TIME about the shifting function of family photo albums (from private to public and analog to digital)..

Album Beauty is a display consisting of found photos, another thing which greatly interests me (the idea of found art, from notes in library books to nuts and bolts  on the sidewalk).

“It’s extraordinary to think that photo albums have only been in existence for roughly one hundred years, and now they are virtually dead.”

“A long and dedicated search through photo albums will occasionally reveal something less than perfection… something other than an entry in the competition to appear normal. And in these cracks, beauty may be found.”